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Valorant x Discord


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Important Notice: You should had to provide login email & password in checkout page.

Celebrating VALORANT as one of the most played games on the platform and joining hands with Riot Games, Discord has added a bunch of effects and decorations—themed on popular agents and elements, as well as our newest member, Clove—to its Shop for a limited time.

Unfortunately, these items won’t be available in the Discord Shop forever. If you’re interested, you can get your hands on these VALORANT profile effects and avatar decorations till May 7 after which they leave the Discord Shop.

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High Fraud Risk Product

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Do NOT buy This Product for someone you don't know

Did a company or someone you don’t know ask you to buy code? Then, it’s almost certainly a scam attempt. Do not fall for it! We won’t be able to refund your money.

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