Original price was: ₨ 1,061.94.Current price is: ₨ 699.00.

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Fallout 4 – Nuka World (DLC) Steam Key GLOBAL

Original price was: ₨ 1,061.94.Current price is: ₨ 699.00.

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This is a digital edition of the product (CD-KEY)

Important Notice: The base game Fallout 4 Steam key is required in order to play.

Fallout 4 – Nuka World (DLC)

Fallout 4 Nuka-World is a DLC to the critically acclaimed Fallout 4 game, which puts you in the ruins of a huge amusement park which has been taken over by Raiders. You will get to explore dark versions of areas usually found at amusement parks, like the Kiddie Kingdom and the Galactic Zone and lead your own gang of Raiders to take over settlements and gain power.

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