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Battlefield 5 Origin Key GLOBAL

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Battlefield 5 Origin key

The military FPS juggernaut is back. EA Games storms the market with their fifth addition to Battlefields’ franchise. Battlefield 5 Origin key sets you back into one of the most intense and horrific events of the past that switched the axis of power around the globe, the Second World War. Improved handling, vast customization options, all-new multiplayer experiences, a variety of unique war stories created for single-player, all-new co-op content along with stunning graphics and visual effects make this action-packed shooter more immersive than it has ever been.

Get lost in action

From an all-out 64-player death-match to attack and defend skirmishes, from team versus team clash to last man standing battle royal, Battlefield 5 Origin key offers multiplayer that has it all. If you are a less competitive type or just want to get the feel of how hard the times were, solo-campaign offers a variety of historical close-ups, where you can play for one of the protagonists fighting in unique locations, varying from steaming desserts to icy mountain passages. Then the Battlefield 5 key also features the co-op mode with the opportunity for up to 4 players to form a squad, customize your characters and face never before seen challenges together.

The Battlefield atmosphere

As expected from Battlefield 5 Origin key, the graphics and overall mechanics are smooth and precise. Extension to movements and character animations provide the ability to execute rolls, vault, climb, slide, glide, run while crouching, jump, fall and other essential survival movements. You can also pick from 4 different soldier class types and 5 archetypes, drive various military vehicles, fortify your defence stations as well as gain access to much more in-game content.

Want more action? Try out our Battlefield series collection!

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