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Apex Legends: Octane Edition (DLC) Origin Key GLOBAL

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This is a digital edition of the product (CD-KEY)

Important Notice: Requires the base game in order to play.

Apex Legends: Octane Edition (DLC)

The Apex Legends Octane Edition contains:

  • Legendary Octane Skin;
  • Legendary Charge Rifle Skin;
  • Gun Charm;
  • Badge;
  • 1000 Apex Coins.

What does Apex Legends Octane Edition price include?

Expand your battle royale experience with Octane Apex Legends skin Origin key! Receive the Apex Octane skins and change the appearance of both your character (Legendary Octane Skin) and your weapon (Legendary Charge Rifle Skin)! Apex Legends Octane Edition price also covers for the neat little Gun Charm, a Badge, and 1000 Apex Coins of in-game currency which you can spend to unlock even more great content! Become the highly maneuverable specialist of close-range combat that is the Octane Legend and dominate the Arena!

Perfect way to start playing Apex Legends!

If you are only starting out with Apex: Legends, Octane Edition bundle will serve you perfectly in the battles to come! Buy Octane Apex Legends skin Origin key, acquire the Apex Octane skins and fully enjoy the 2019 award-winning battle royale game made by Respawn Entertainment. The same studio is also known for making acclaimed gaming titles such as Titanfall and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. In fact, Apex Legends shares the same fictional universe with Titanfall games, so a lot of gameplay mechanics and weapons will be familiar to you if you had the pleasure to play these shooters in the past.

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